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Soldier Songs & Voices

Founded by Dustin Welch

Our Mission
Music has been lauded consistently through the ages as a therapeutic element to both those who create music and those who listen to music. Learning to play an instrument or learning to write songs, helps the brain to retrain and repair itself in a safe and healthy environment.​ Workshops hosted by experienced songwriters are conducted weekly or monthly at venues in cities across the country. The goal of Soldier Songs & Voices is to improve the quality of life of veterans and their families through songwriting and music.

Reveille Songwriting Retreat Music Healing Education

our programs

songwriting workshops & music lessons

Are you interested in learning an instrument or joining our free music workshops? We have nationwide chapters led by songwriters and musicians that want to work with you.

Start a local chapter 

Soldier Songs & Voices has chapters all across the nation. If you are interested in starting a local chapter in your community, please reach out. We have resources ready to help you found and grow a new SSV chapter.

Sustainable programs

Our programs are designed to be year around and provided free to our veterans. We depend on our donors to provide sustainable music therapy services to our veterans and their families. 

SSV Team

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